Amar Weekly Gains Visualization

Data from:

Exhibit A

Guild Comparison

Reduce Combat by :

Select Guild:

Choose one or more guilds with "(VATS)|(Slumber)|(-PoD-)|(Fool)" You can also specify "all"

Exhibit B

Experimental - Chart of all forms

Takes all forms of user input and builds charts. Look at an entire guild with "(VATS)". Spelling matters
Example Inputs:


How often is this data updated?

Will try to update the data each Sunday and Wednesday, since I have to copy-paste everything by hand thanks to arbitrary rules.

This didn't count everyone

Sorry this only knows about guilds who appear on the weekly gains pages. Maybe the forthcoming API will solve this. Please ensure someone in your guild hits the top 100 in at least one skill category.


I don't do much except for botcheck and chat sometimes. I wanted to see how my guild was doing compared to others and visualize my contribution.

Technical Details

Started off as a Javascript project to give myself some async practice outside of Node. However things rapidly got out of control and I decided to pick up Typescript to deal with the lack of classes and get the data organised.

Made with by Chunjee